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Last Updated on 28 November 2011. The Epsilon Sigma Phi Handbook serves as the guidance for the National Organization as well as the individual State Chapters. Section A - General Information. Section B - National Committees. Section C - Global Relations. Section D - Scholarships, Grants and Recognition. Section E - Membership Recruiting and Retention. Section F - Professional Development. Section G - Public Issues.
Wikispaces Classroom is now free, social, and easier than ever. Created by participants in EDTEC 700 - Blogs and Wikis for Collaborative Learning. A one-unit graduate level class in the Educational Technology department at San Diego State University. This wiki can only be edited by the members of this class. Welcome to the handbook for EDTEC700. Help on how to format text.
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Use the form on the right to contact us. You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. Join and Renew Your Membership.